Wednesday, April 9, 2008


How I got a Playstation 3 for free.
Here it is. This is how I did it. Every Freebie Link I promote on this site can be executed in the exact same way. These are legitimate sites and if correctly done, you will get your free item just like I did.

I know this all sounds like a lot of work, huh? It is. I signed up for a PS3 site in August. I completed the trial by September and it took until Decemeber to gather up enough referral signups to get my PS3. At first, I did what any n00b would do. I posted an auction on eBay. After all, that's where I got the idea. Man, I nearly sank the ship right there. I copied and pasted an ad and changed the link in hopes of getting all my refs in a week. Truth be told, I got 20 sign ups but no one completed an offer. I created a flyer with tear off strips promoting my long ass URL which got another 3 or 4 signups, yet still no completed offers.

I started getting really frustrated. I was ready to be like everybody else and just give up. Of course, I'm too stupid for that. I want to drag this on as long as possible. Then I joined a couple of message boards devoted to IFW's and freebies. Right off the bat I learned that using eBay was considered spam and could cause me to violate terms of anyone reads those...and would cancel my account. I learned a lot of things about how to go about getting signups. In essence, I learned that I could pay people as little as $15 to signup and complete the process. I went from getting the PS3 for free to having to pay for it. I resigned myself to the idea that if I really wanted this to work, I'd set myself a limit of $100 and see how that goes. Any more than that and I agree that I need my head examined. After all, the website said it would be free. Technically, they were right. The free trial didn't cost me a dime. I cancelled it before it posted to my account. Had I been a little more aggressive and completely stopped working at my 9-5 job and devoted more time to collecting referrals, I could have done it. But, I wanted it NOW!

So, I started posting in the sections that allowed me to advertise and offered to pay people for signing up at my site. I even offered to trade links for other free items on the outside chance that I may come back to them later. Soon, sign ups started pouring into my site and little green checkmarks began appearing next to the names. I became excite because I was finally getting somewhere. I paid these folks money through PayPal to signup and try out the site and now these people have these....wonderful.....little....RED...X' to What the hell, just happened? Maybe, I should have made a mental note when these people communicated to me using broken english and insited I PAY NOW. That's right, I ran into a group of referral brokers. Usually, they are from outside the US/Canada area and pose as your everyday freebie junkie. They answer your ad and offer to do the site using the least amount of adjectives as humanly possible in communicating. Then, they pay a fraction of what you offer to some person with an internet connection to go on the site and sign up. After that, they move onto the next person and repeat the same process using the same site and same vendor....a no no in some IFW's. If you sign up for a free PS3 with one site, depending on their structure, you usually cannot repeat the site again. Likewise, if you use to complete the requirements for a PS3 site, you cannot complete for say a Wii site. The vendors won't recognize new interest and people are likely to just try and fly, leaving the vendor high and dry.

After all was said and done and I managed to get $0.20 back from my scam artists through PayPal, I noticed that I had enough referrals for a PS3. I placed my order and within 14 days, I had a PS3 sitting on my front porch complete with a game of my choice. I ended up spending $150 on the site and made $50 back from someone who screwed up in my favor. Then, the kicker, my mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Usually, I hated having to tell her what to get me, because I never know. I made an offhanded comment, "How about $100 for a PS3?" She wrote me a check.

So, there you have it. I did get the PS3 for free......kinda. I did spend $150 in total for the process but managed to make it all back from means outside the site. Perhaps you'll have better luck. Click a link on the side to get yourself in the freebie game. Now that you've read this and are probably bleeding from the eyeballs, I will offer you the proof of this venture.

Screenshots and Proof That This Really Works

Now, I will show you screenshots of the process.

Here you can see my progress screen after I was done. It showed that I did complete an Offer for and I was not charged because I fulfilled the terms of the Offer and decided that I did not want to keep the service beyond the trial period.


You can also see that I had a total of 10 Referrals towards my PS3. While I only needed 9 to get the 40gb PS3, an additional person signed up late and I could have had a 60gb or 80gb for that one person. I got impatient, what can I say.

Here you can see all the people who signed up with my Freebie Link. I blurred out the addresses but they are there.


You'll notice the Red X's and Green Checks. The Green Checks are people who have succesfully comepleted an Offer and have provided me with a Referral. Thery are probably enjoying their PS3 right now. The Red X's are people who tried to cheat the system or somehow violated the terms of service. Their site was locked and any progress they had towards their Reward was lost. I suggest that you read the terms of service carefully and follow them. This is a legitimate website and they do not tolerate scammers.

Receipt from Check out the billing address. That's not mine. The shipping address is mine, however.


Sorry about the pixelation and strikethrough, but there are too many shady folks out there who could do damage with my info. If you have any doubts or questions contact me here and I will help or answer any questions.

And lastly, here's the PS3 sitting on my ugly spare bedroom carpet.



Dr. Gonzalez said...

Well ive been looking around your blog for a few days now and i wanted to ask you are there any websites that do not need credit card info?

This would help soo much!!!
THX in advance!

Mongo said...

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of sites that don't. Trainn is one that definitely requires CC to complete their offers. While the Trainn sites will not charge your CC for anything, the vendor or retailer who provide the offers, like GameFly, do.

If you can find a "Free Trial" offer, which are few and far between on Trainn sites, the credit card will only be charged if you do not properly end your trial account. Though, you run the risk of not completing the Terms Of Service required by the offer.

I went with Trainn because of reputation and credibility. There are some out there and if you are truly interested check out the forums in these sites to compare different IFW programs.

Anything 4 Free
Free Lunch Room

Again, free is a bit of a misnomer but you can work the angles like i did to make up a lot of the price

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I will try to answer them as best as I can. Be vigil and stay aware of what you are participating in. Good Luck.